Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You're nuttier than a fruit cake!!

There's no denyin' it now, cold weather is here! Yikes!  I love it though, fall is my favorite, it's beautiful!  Thanksgiving is the bomb dig, and Christmas is right around the corner.  Speaking of, I'm stoked for Christmas this year, I think it's really awesome this year for Jamison.  I have a couple of new family traditions to start with him this year! We got our "Elfie" who will report back to santa each night and i'm in the process of whipping him up a Santa sack that he can leave out on Christmas eve for Santa to put all his presents in.  Of course he'll still have gifts to unwrap from Mom and Dad!  The tree is going up on Friday, pretty sure that's the earliest it's EVER gone up! 
  Last weekend we visited my Dad, I was hoping to get some cute pictures of Jamison, maybe, just maybe we might get a "Christmas Card worthy shot".  Such was not the case...BALLS.

Yay for figuring out the Manual settings on my Camera....hey it only took 5 months!

That baby look is fading.....
Papaw's been busy choppin some wood!

Again Papaw...'gin!

Halloween was a blast this year...Lump started off shy, but by the end of the night he was a trick-or-treatin' fool!  He was absolutely adoreable in his Skunk costume!  He was the cutest kid in the neighboorhood, and every person told us that, not like I really needed them to, I already knew it!!

I can't figure out how to flip this pic...Lil' stinker!

And finally....my projects from the past week.....I really should start blogging more!

The turkey shirt now has matching pants....the pants are made from an old skirt of mine.

ELMO!!!  He's made just like the turkey, and he was a huge it was Jamison!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

That's the coolest handprint turkey I've ever seen!

Work today was suckysucky to say the least!  When I got home I figured making this awesome shirt for my boy would help me forget the fact that I wanna puke when I think about it (may be an overexaggeration...)!  Speaking of Jamison, he's having a total meltdown as I type this b/c apparently the typing noises are distracting him from Toy Story.  "AHHH, UGGGG, ARRRG, MOMMY STOP IT PUSHING BUTTONS, GAAAAHHH!!!" He'll get over it, these little dramatic tantrums are becoming a daily routine, it's safe to say the terrible twos are here in full force!
 I made this sweet shirt for about 7 bucks, SCORE, toot toot, that's my own horn!  I'm cheap thrifty, I love when I can do stuff cheap!  Yay for Wally world and they're plain tshirts that are just begging for me to spruce them up!  I also discovered "heat-n-bond" which for the moment is my new favorite!  I'll post a link at the bottom to where I found how to make this if you wanna check it out.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Jimmy and I have been together for 7 Halloweens now, and we'd NEVER carved pumpkins together; that needed to change!  Some quality family time was long overdue so we decided to stay home and carve pumpkins together.  We're not the most patient people so by the end we were over it, but they turned out pretty cute!  Suprisingly, Jamison didnt want any part of it, he wouldn't help clean the "goop" out, he didnt want to help carve, he did however want to eat the pumpkin.  Yeah, I said eat, he would take the chunks we carved out and eat it...he's weird, he get's it from his Dad!!!  Here's our final products, Our little pumpkin family! Yes, I'm aware there are 4 pumpkins, and only 3 of us.  And, NO, this is not a clever way of letting you know a baby is on the way, it just means Jamison is spoiled rotten and he got 2 pumpkins!!

This was mine!  If you look close you can see the toothpick holding his forehead on; my wild child couldn't resist from bashing the vampire's head in!!

Jimmy's Pumpkin

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tshrits Take: 1

You can set yourself to be sick, or you can choose to stay well.
       - Wayne Dyer
'Tis the season, of pink ribbons!  Both my Momma and my Mamaw have had breast cancer,  they're both doing exceptionally great now; Praise the Lord!  Well, I went to the Dr. today, just for a check up and after reviewing my family medical history, she informed me that if I would like, she could set me up with genetic counciling....what to do, what to do? Do I really wanna know? Quite frankly there isn't much left in this world that doesn't "cause cancer", no matter what precations I take, maybe i'm just destined, maybe I have "bad genes".   It's a scary thought.  I dont know what i'll do, I think I like being oblivious, not knowing, living my happy little life, in my quaint little bubble. 
We were contemplating doing the walk in Cincy, but we'll be out of town visiting family(WOOOO HOOO).  Regardless, Shizzy and I hit up the HobLob and made us all some t-shirts!  First let me say, we had these visions in our heads, I mean we were seeing some kick ass homemade shirts, lets just say they're less than perfect!  Hell, we never claimed to be perfect, but we sure did have fun making them, lots of laughs!!!  Out of all of them Mamaw's and Jamison's are my favorites!!





Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It got chilly, and he needed a hat!

I'm soooo excited Fall is finally here, it's absolutely my favorite time of the year! Jeans and hoodie weather is the BEST!  There's nothing better than pumpkin patches, and hayrides with my boys, and if i'm feeling froggy, I might even brave a haunted house!!  We've already pick out Jamison's Halloween costume, but you'll have to wait to see it, it's pretty precious, but in all honesty, Jamison is pretty precious, which would make any costume he put on... precious!  Jimmy was snooping around in our junk drawers and found a gift card to Lowe's so we went and got this really cute new rug for the living room...

Yeah, I kno, I need to vacuum!
Moving on....my newest project was to make a hat for Jamison! I love projects, they keep me sane!  I saw where some one took an old sweater and made it into a beanie cap!  I rummaged through some old clothes and found a sweater Jimmy wouldn't be wearing anytime soon...or, ugh, ever again! He's my little man in his new hat!

He Crashed!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Momma's of boys can be crafty too!

So, i've been reading this blog lately, you should check her out, she does some really cute stuff! While I was in JoAnn's Fabric... killing time (after i'd already been off work for an hour) waiting for my wonderful husband ;-) another story, for another day! I spotted this really cute pumpkin in their $bin!  I got the pumpkin and a black tee, and added some of her embroidery floss idea and at last a cute shirt for Jamison!

this is what we started with...


Here's a close up! I think it's super cute and makes it boyish and fun!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Buzz and Woody take the cake!!

So, my boy turned 2 today!  He's turning out to be such a little ham!! His Toy Story Birthday was quite a success!! We had a get together at our house, and invited family and friends, about 35 people.  We served pizza from "Pizza Planet" (aka Cicis =)), salad, and chips.  Gamaw made him his cake, and she did a really great job!  The weather was perfect, honestly we couldn't have asked for a better day! Jamison got some really neat toys! He was so fun to watch open his gifts, that boy is dramatic! He was shreeking, and jumping; each present was even more exciting than the next!!  When we all sang "Happy Birthday" to him, he got a little embarassed and was yelling "STOP"! Ha!!  Here are some pictures of my big boys special day!
Cake was super cute, and delicious too!

That boy made out like a bandit!!

The awesome sign they made for us at Accu-Tex Signs!!
(thanx, Gammaw)

"Barrel of Monkeys"
We made these out of cardboard and spray painted them red.
They were so cute, unfortunately, the picture does them no justice.

Takin' a ride in his new wagon from his pawpaw. 
He got that "Wu-ie" (aka: woody) hat today too!

Love my Family!!!